Thursday, 4 April 2013

Bio-data of Dr. Moulana Shahwar Moulana

Moulana Dr.Shahwar Husain Naqvi S/o Syed Alamdar Husain (Writer) Residence At Mohalla Haqqani Amroha  (Born : 5 May 1972) He is Scholar of
1-Jamia Nazmia Lucknow
2-Hauz-e-Ilmia Qum Iran
He is Leading Shia Scholar and Community activist of India.He is Lecturer at Jamia Syedul Madaris in Amroha.He is Director of Imamia Recarch CenterHaqqani Street Amroha. He is also Shia Shahar Imam of Moradabad.

Imamia Recearch Center

1-In This Center there are many Books related Shia Ulama
2-This Center provides fully information of Shia Authors/Writer
3-This Center  provides information of Current And Old Ulama's of Shia Authors/Writer
4-You can see Photos of Old and New Ulamas here.
5-Librarey : YOu can see here Islamic Books, Tafseer, Hadeeth, History of Islam, Fiqah, Usool Fiqah, Tazkira, Urdu, Hindi,Farsi Language

1-Gold Medal was given to Moulana Shahwar husain By Govt of Iran on the book of Taalifat-e-Shia (Shiat Writings in Subcontinent of India)

2- Award was given to Him By Speaker of Parliament of Iran Mr. Dr. Ali Lauri Jani on the Book of (i)Mufassarin-e-Imamia
(ii)Shareheen-e-Nahjul Balagha in Irani Cultural House in New Delhi

Conferences and Seminar

Moulana Shahwar Husain Sb Addressed many saminar And Confrences and he gave many Lactures in the Univercity of India he addressed National Seminar Nahjul Balagha and Human Rights on dated 21th-23th December 2011 Organised By Aligarh Muslim University


He addressed many Majalis in India and Abroad
Reacherch Work
1 :-Tazkara-e-Mufassereene Imamia :- This Book is about Hindustan, Pakistan and Bangladeshi Shiya Mufassereen’s Life Style and his Service for Knowledge. This Page Contain 715 Pages and Published By Al- Mustafa Publication, A-29 Okhla Vihar Jamia Nagar, New Delhi India Ph. 011-26921433 in 2012

2 :- Shaareheen-e-Nehjul Balagha :- This Book is about Hindustan, Pakistan and Bangladeshi Shiya authors who Translate & Explain Nahjul Balagha Their Life and Their Services. This Book Contain 505 Pages and Published By. Vilayat Foundation, 18, Tilak Marg New Delhi India Mob. 09958225575

3 :- Muallefeene Ghadheer : This Book has information about Those anthors of Hindustan, Pakistan and Bangladesh who writes about the Event of Ghadeer.This Book has 380 Pages and Publishjed By. Vilayat Foundation, 18, Tilak Marg New Delhi India Mob. 09958225575

4 :- Taalifaati Shia :- This Book has the Information about Shia Writers of India, This Book has Bibliography of India, Pakistan & Bangladesh in 17, Language like , Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Indian, Guajarati, Bengali, Baltic, Savaii, English, French, Suidish, Norwegian, This Book has 925 Pages This Book is Published By. Dalilema Publication Post Box- No. 37185-1153 Qum Iran in 2005

5 :- Tazkara-e-Ulama-e-Amroha :- this Book Contain Biography’s of Amroha’s Shiya Ulama By. Wazifa Society Amroha in 2003

6 :- Islami General Knowledge :- This Book has the Information of Islam, Quran, Nahjul Balagha, Taareekhe Islam, Aimma-e-Masoomeen, Uloom and Islamic Buildings this Book has 191 Pages and it is Published in 2002 . By . Abbas Book Agency Rustam Nager, Dargha Hazrat Abbas Lucknow

7 :-Tazkara –e-Shohada-e-karbala:-This book is about shohada-e-karbala,their life and their sacrifices.This book has published in 2012 by Anjumane Mission-e-Paighame Husaini.Moradabad.

8 :- Allama Mohd Shakir Amrohvi ‘ Hayat & Karname, :-This book is about Molana Mohd Shakir Sahab Qibla and his books.this has 322 pages and it is published by Amroha Foundation-14/2,X, Jogabai Ext.Nafees Road,Batla House,N.Delhi-09910621956

9 :- Allama Yusuf Husain Amrohvi :- This is the Biography of Allama Yusuf Husain.this book has 194 pages this is published 2012 by Vilayat Foundation, 18, Tilak Marg New Delhi India Mob. 09958225575

10 :-Hindustan ki pehli jung-e-azadi (1857)me Amroha Ka Hissa:-this book has information about first freedom fighters of amroha in Hindustani junge azadi like Gulzar Ali Sahaband Shabbir Ali Khan.this book contain letters of Gulzar Ali Sahab that’s are written by him from kalapani.this book is published in 2012 by Meer Anees Academy .

 11 :- Muqadma-e-Tarjuma-e-Quran-Dr Zirak Husain Amrohvi :-This is translation of Holy Quran and importance of Aayat ,cure & solution of problems by reciting the aayat.this is published 2010 by Meer Anees Academy.

12 :- Muqadma-e-Tareekhe Asghari :- this is about the first written history of Amroha.It is published in 2007 by Meer Anees Academy.Mohalla Haqqani Amroha.

13 :- Mehdi Nazmi’s Hayat & Khidmaat :- This is the Biography of mehndi Nazmi

14 :- Shareheene Sahifaye Sajjadiya & Deegar Adya :- This book is under printing and people are asking for their Explanations.